A collection of fall soup recipes.
It is getting chilly around here. I am a Texas girl through-and-through. The minute the thermometer starts hitting the 50's I start thinking about Ugg boots and cranking up the furnace. I am raising a family of soup-loving boys so we are always looking for new soup recipes. I make soup at least once a week. I chose to go with the Tortellini Vegetable soup.
I don't usually change the recipe the first time I make it, but I felt pretty comfortable with this recipe. Here are the adjustments I made:
First, I increased the vegetables. If my kids are going to gobble up this soup I am going to use this to my advantage to get some extra vegetables in them. I used three zucchini and four carrots.
I used a full 28 oz can of crushed tomatoes. It was what I had available and I didn't want to waste the rest of the can.
I also used a 15 oz bag of frozen tortellini.
Total cost: I lost my receipt on this one. Sorry y'all. It wasn't expensive--if I were to guess, I would estimate I spent around $8-10. I had to buy everything except the onion. And using my ingredients yielded around 10 servings, 3/4 cup size. 3/4 cup sounds small for a soup serving, but this soup was very, very filling. I tried to go back for a second serving and ended up passing off the last half of my bowl to my son.
Total time: This is a good, fast, weeknight soup. 30 minutes to done.
Final verdict: This soup was enjoyed by everyone in my family. Glad I made so much because it did not last 24 hours in the fridge before all the leftovers were gone too! It was much more filling than I expected it to be and fairly low in calories. When I was serving it up for lunch the next day L shouted out, "Make sure you put lots of zucchini in my bowl!!" It is definitely going in the rotation.
We served it up with that delicious one-hour French bread from Pin 144.
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