Thursday, December 6, 2012

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White chocolate peppermint fudge--my second dessert for my red & white shindig this week. 

I "practiced" this recipe the week of Thanksgiving. I thought I would try it out before serving it to people. I was cooking right along, a little concerned with how thick the concoction was. I could barely stir it! But I just kept plugging along. . . it was really yellow looking. I wasn't sure if I wanted to serve yellow colored white chocolate fudge. Pressed it into the pan, formed it. It was so thick. This doesn't seem right. Gave the spoon a little lick. Ew. It was gritty and just tasted like sugar. Well, guess I'll clean up while it cools. . .

Wha?  What's this??

My opened can of evaporated milk!! I never added it! Doh!  So there was no fudge for Thanksgiving. But there was for my party this week, and boy, oh boy, was it good. 

The mint chips were a little difficult for me to find.  I found the green and white ones everywhere but I had to make four stops before finally finding the red ones (at W-mart).  The second batch went much more smoothly and I ended up with a delicious (red and white) treat.

It is so rich and smooth. It is a little on the soft side, I can cut it but it can be a little crumbly.  I can easily squish it back together though.  I am totally addicted to it. My party was Monday night. I have been eating it around the clock since then. Someone stop me! I am defenseless against the White Chocolate Peppermint Fudge!!!

Total cost: $6.50 per batch.

Total time: 20 minutes

Final verdict: I am going to have to make this again--but not until next year. It is NOT conducive to my weight loss goals. How can I possibly fuel my marathon training on fudge?? Sounds good in principle, but in reality, that's not working out too well. This may become an annual tradition--just make it when you have lots of people to eat it with you.

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