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The next Thanksgiving installment: As previously promised. . .
Crunchy apple grape salad. This was easy enough to prepare--the most labor intensive part was peeling and cutting everything. I actually put this one together the night before as well. I just put all the cut fruit in a storage bag and poured the dressing in. Then I sealed it and gently turned it around to coat everything and popped it into the fridge. There is just enough lemon juice in it to prevent the apples and pears from browning on the edges. Just before serving I stirred in the almonds and walnuts.
It was soooo good! I loved it. The kids ate it. It was a nice, cool, refreshing side dish. I was so hot from all the cooking (and cooks) in the kitchen by the time the Thanksgiving meal rolled around, I needed a dish like this. And it kept well too. Here it is two days after I made it:
Just a teensy bit brown on the edges but still crunchy and delicious. The nuts were still crunchy too so you don't need to wait to stir them in like I did.
Total cost: Around $10. The recipe filled a gallon-sized storage bag.
Total time: How fast can you chop fruit? It took me around twenty minutes all together.
Final verdict: Delicious. I will be making this again. My mother is already planning when she is going to make it. It would be great as a brunch dish or at a shower. Yum yum. This one is for the books.
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